14 September 2011

baby consignment sale

I was up later than usual last night tagging/pinning, hanging and inspecting 500 baby items. Not really, but close enough to 500 to make me cringe. There is a baby consignment sale in town this weekend, and if you become a seller in the sale or a volunteer you get to shop earlier than the public! Well, I signed myself and Michel up as sellers so we could scoot in and pick out the cutest clothes for Amelia & Poppy before everyone else. Little did I know, volunteers {who are only required to work 1 four hour shift}, get to shop at 5pm. Sellers {who apparently put in way more than four hours of work}, get to shop at 6pm. Malarky, I tell ya. I will be donatin' my junk to the Goodwill and volunteering myself for any baby sales in the future. Anyways, tonight at 6pm we will be racing other moms to the sizes we are hunting for our babies. Watch out moms who may be looking over sizes 18m-24m, I'm on a mission to make tonight worth my hard work.

After the baby sale tonight, I fully intend on spending some of my "plus" points for my Weight Watchers program this week. Froyo, here we come! Don't worry, Adam, frozen treats never spoil my dinner. I actually prefer dessert first anyways. Speaking of dinner, I just threw a concoction of things into the crockpot this afternoon. It smells wonderful, but looks weird. I'll have to get back to you on the taste. If it tastes ok & gets approved by Adam, I'll tell you what I put in there.

With the weather getting cooler, it is more tolerable to take Amelia out to play in the evenings. Her favorite thing to do in the backyard? The nasty toy car that is extremely weathered. Buy the girl a nice swingset, she wants to play on broken-down play cars.

 {She looks like her little friend, JettTakle, here!}

Have I mentioned how much I love her? Do I need to? I can't wait to love another little like I do her...



  1. Oh my goodness! They were made for each other. Do you think she'll her MIL is "old and uncool" by the time they marry? Yea, I didn't think so either.
