17 July 2011

weekend blues

I hate cancer today.

Ok, I hate it everyday, but it has especially been on my mind and heart this weekend. Between bloggers and bloggers friends and family, my family friends and cancer in my own family, it's shown its face a lot this weekend. Cancer is ugly, painful, heart-breaking, sneaky, sad, unforgettable, tragic, etc. Not one thing about cancer is good. I pray, pray, pray, that they find a cure for this ugly disease that is changing lives daily. I don't know how to handle it. I don't know how people do handle it. I can't think about it too long, because it's no good for my worrying and anxiety.

I need sunshine!! We've had 18 inches of rain since Friday. There is some definite cabin fever here at the Peeples home. Tomorrow we will go outside as much as possible, because I THINK the rain is over. I didn't even yard sale this weekend thanks to the rain. I know we needed it, but maybe just 10 inches instead of 18?

I'm not going to complain about my whole weekend!! Lots of lazy time at home with Adam and Amelia. No cleaning! I've been pinning, blogging, online window shopping and all the other computer things I don't usually find time for. We made a delicious homemade funnel cake and blueberry sauce Friday night. I would've felt way more guilty about it had I not worked my @$$ off all week logging in miles. Also, I snuck away for the night last night to visit some old girlfriends! It was tons of fun to catch up with them again! One of them lives 30 minutes from me now, and I'm really excited to have an old friend that close by.

No pictures of my weekend right now, but here's one I had to share..

Crappy phone pic, sorry! This child LOVES shoes. Unfortunately right now she only has 2 or 3 pairs that are actually her size. If anybody has any baby girl shoes size 4 we will gladly take them. She likes to change pairs every few hours, and gets very upset when they don't fit and I wont let her wear them. She brought me these shoes and whined and whined until I put them on her. These are a size too big, but since they were so tight around her fat legs she managed to walk in them and loved them.

Hope everyone's weekend was a happier one than mine!

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