19 July 2011


Rotten is the term often used to describe my child. I don't believe it, but others do. I say no. I don't buy her everything I want to buy her. She is not rotten! And if she is, its not because of me. Could it be because of her Honey (Adam's mom)? We got this in the mail yesterday.

Step2 Play Up Gym Set. Minus all the kids & lady.

It took Adam about 2 hours total to throw this thing together! Amelia loves. Her eyes lit up when I took her outside this afternoon. She's not quite old enough to enjoy the slide by herself, but she sat in the swing for about 30 minutes!

Auntie M called tonight and asked to speak to Amelia. It was the first time Amelia actually put the phone up to her ear and talked back. Auntie M eventually got tired of the jibber jabber and hung up. Amelia was not happy that there was no voice on the other end. She said some things (in baby talk) that she probably wasn't allowed to say. It was hilarious and I tried to follow her around the house and catch a few pictures.

You're in trouble, Auntie.

Target has the best workout tanks right now. Pretty much their Champion sports bra in tank form, but not too tight around the tummy area, a.k.a my problem area.They are $20, but worth every dime. I can't wait to get up tomorrow and put it to good, sweaty use. I'm already sure that I'm gonna go back to get more when I can.

These two are my favorites.

Gotta get back to my game of Angry Birds!


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