04 January 2012

the new year

Adam starts school next week, and I'll have lots more time to blog and play around on Pinterest now that he won't be hogging the computer for his video game. The man got out of the military to play military on the computer. And all day and night at that. I'm just going to stop talking about it right now, before I say ugly ugly things. About the video game, of course. The new year has been good to us so far, but we are waiting for a few things -financially- to fall into place. I won't believe it when it does happen, because we have been waiting on it for what feels like forever. Lots of changes coming up around our house! Adam going back to school, and me and Amelia babysitting Poppy when Michel goes back to work. I must get pregnant again before I bring another baby into this house. Adam won't be able to change his mind once the deed is done. It's funny how when you "try" to have a baby it seems impossible, but when you do not need to get pregnant - BAM! I know, it will happen when it needs to. And for now, these two keep my heart content.

A day with daddy = chocolate stains all down a white shirt.


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