16 January 2012


I have been going through all of my old magazines that are piled up like little mountains beside my bed. I hate to throw them away, so I decided to re-read them and throw away what I don't need. Like if I kept it for a recipe, tear it out and put it with my recipes. If I kept it for a craft, tear it out and make a "craft" folder, baby articles in a "parenting" folder, etc. I am starting with the Parents magazines, and read a sweet article a grandmother sent in. She was trying to explain herself {and all you other grandparents out there} when she says that she loves her grandbabies more than her own children. She says of course that is not completely true, it's a different kind of love. Her mind isn't concerned with missing milestones, and the growth and development that you worry so much with your own children. She says this helps to be able to love them freely. She can love them with all that she has. It's true, milestones can be a little thought consuming. I guess that's part of the parenting experience though. We've had some major milestones around here lately. I feel like the older Amelia gets the more "milestones" we are going to hurdle? This week Amelia had her first haircut!! She was a little scared starting out, but nothing that a sucker and sitting in momma's lap couldn't fix. Auntie M came with us and took some pictures!! I may not be great at keeping up with Amelia's baby book, but I hope to have all of my blog posts about Amelia made into a book for her one day. Blogging is definitely more my thing.

I wrote this post about a week ago. I've been waiting on the pictures to add to the post, and since then we
have reached another milestone. POTTY time! Of course we have a good ways to go, but we are off to a good start! I know its not going to happen over night, and I am willing to be as patient as possible. That's the plan anyway. Any potty training tips for this newbie? We were doing m&m's every time she used her potty, but the m&m's disappeared quickly {& not because Amelia was rewarded so many times..}. Switched her prize to DumDum's...those have a better chance of survival.


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