27 October 2011

Letters to Amelia


Yesterday it was just me and you all day! Your dad was with his other love, the sea! I enjoy days that are just you and me days. I know they won't always be just us two, so anytime I feel like I'd like a break I remind myself to enjoy it while it lasts. One day you won't come and grab my hand and take me to the door to go outside, or drag me to your room to put shoes on you or play with blocks.

Speaking of shoes, you have a serious love for them - you get that honest. We are having shoe issues around here. Big shoes, small shoes, skinny shoes, missing shoes... So today we were on a search for shoes that fit you. I loaded you up and took you to a consignment store in town and found you 5 pairs of shoes for $22!! Whoop, whoop! You've got  one thrifty, momma! You had so much fun playing with babies, and climbing in baby seats. I hope you always want to go shopping with me. Pick me when you're 14 and want to go to the mall! I promise I'll still have better taste than any of your friends. :)

We had dinner at Auntie M and Uncle Jake's house, and you had a blast playing hide & go seek with uncle Jake. I love watching you laugh! I could do it all day and never get bored. When I think about having another baby one day, I worry it will take away from my time with you. I know that's silly. I'll still love you so much my heart hurts. I know my heart won't have less room for you, it will just grow bigger to make room for your brother or sister.

You used to go right to sleep when we put you down, but last night {and every night for the past few weeks} you thought bedtime was playtime. Anytime I would come in to lay you back down you would be standing in your bed with your blanky on your head, or you would be kissing on Mr. Giraffe. Your bedtime rituals have changed so much since you were born. I secretly like your bedtime games, and making Mr. Giraffe kiss you all over the face until you get the hiccups from giggling. I love you more than you know!!

Your Momma

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