13 October 2011

discplines & nashville

As most of you {or all of you, because my blog readers are my Facebook friends} already know, I took Amelia on a dinner date with me last night. It was a total disaster. Yes, I do know that an 18 month old should not be expected to sit through an entire dinner, but I do expect at least 10 minutes of cooperation. I got nada. Oh wait, maybe if I count the 2 whole minutes it took her to take everything out of my wallet and throw it on the floor. Or the 1 minute it took for her to individually put 20 fries in my purse. And I let her...I let her enjoy her last night of freedom, because I knew that tomorrow {today} brings discipline. I called my mom on the way home from dinner and while she offered me good advice and parenting skills, she just laughed and laughed. She said she and my dad don't remember too much about this age, but that spankings were involved {and I remember!!!}. I definitely believe in spankings. I mean my parents spanked me, and look at me - perfect. Ok, kidding..but fo real. Spankings are good; whether it be with my hand, a wooden spoon or our fruit of the spirits paddle. I don't like the whole belt thing...that's a little too much. We aren't doing this all for us, it's for her sake too. I don't want her to grow up without discipline, and be that bratty girl nobody wants to invite to do things. Or not be invited back to dinner with friends, because my child is scaling the walls & sticking her hands in drinks. Please don't let that ruin our dinner dates, Katie? I promise I will leave Amelia at home until we are past this phase.

Luckily, I'm leaving town today on the start of our spankings method. Hopefully Adam will have her whipped {no pun intended} into shape by the time I return Sunday! I packed for my trip last night, and I'm really hoping that my bag is going to fit in that overhead bin. Yes, I'm only going to be gone Thurs-Sun{maybe Mon}, but I don't get out of the house much. I can't wait to spend this time with my girlfriends, and keep thinking about how I can't wait for Amelia to find friends like I have. I'm not really prepared for the middle school meanies, but for the forever friends. The ones who make it past the middle school meanness, and are still your best friends when you move hundreds of miles away to start a family.

See you girls in less than 12 hours!!



  1. Hope you have a great weekend with your girlies! Good luck with the whole spanking thing. I totally support ya! A little love tap on the booty really works wonders as an attitude adjuster! My parents used the belt till I was 16 (not lying!) That's a little too late to be spanking i think!!! Cant wait to hear how it goes! hahaha

  2. Loved reading about Amelia and how you discipline! You a hoot and I love you and how you love and enjoy your life!! Adam is blessed to have you too! Love, Lynn C.
