01 February 2012

Letters to Amelia


I am so lucky to be your mom. I am so lucky to be a stay at home mom {for the most part}, and watch you grow everyday. It seems like just over the weekend you picked up on your talking a good bit. We were playing in your room last week, and you took a "sip" from your teacup and said "It's delicious!" - where did you even learn that?? Yesterday you were sitting on the couch with your dad watching a movie about the ocean and sealife, and you kept saying "What's that, daddy??". You're talking more than I expected at this age, and while you drive me crazy sometimes with your non-stop gibbering, I love hearing you learn and properly use new words. In just a few months, we will be taking your assy {passy} from you. I am trying to keep all of them put up while you are playing so you don't continue to learn to talk with it in. It seems like every time I sneak one away from you, you find another one laying around. You don't love me for this new thing now, but you will thank me later.

You've adjusted really well to Poppy being around, and I am so thankful for that. I knew you would be a big girl about it. You love to "hold it", and kiss her on the head. We are headed over there today to play with Poppy and celebrate your great grandfather's  81st birthday.

 And I would've never guessed we were going to be at the age already where YOU decide what you want to wear, and we go with it. Oh man, are we there! I have to remind myself that I have to choose my battles, and not sweat the small stuff. Plus, you've got mad style.

The biggest event of the week: Every night that I put you down, I say "I love you" when I leave the room, and for the first time you said "love you" back to me. Lump in my throat, tears in my eyes. Feel free to do it again. All day, every day.

Love you bigger than the sky.



  1. Ohhh man. Can't wait to hear her talking. I miss you guys.

  2. She is so lucky to have a mom documenting her growing like this - it's going to be amazing to look back on when she's older. I'm definitely stealing this idea once I have a tot of my own:)

    P.S. That picture of her and Poppy is the most angelic thing I've ever seen. Adorable.

  3. Reading Amelia's letter was the best part of my day; thank you.
