03 January 2011

home sweet home

i never thought that i would get here. here being my new home in FL. ive only been in my new home for about a week, and already it feels more like home than our last house. there are so many things i love about being here and these are just a few...

theres nothing like a sunset on the beach
and theres nothing like driving over crab island everytime you want to go do some shopping in the next town over.

amelias going to grow up a beach baby
.....with her cousins (who will hopefully find their way here very soon)!

and the thing i love the most about my new home is being right down the road from the people i love most!!

“The cure for anything is salt water - sweat, tears, or the sea.”
--Isak Dinesen

(cutie beach baby here)
(crab island picture found here)
(sunset picture found here)

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