01 December 2011

Letters to Amelia

Dear Amelia,

I can never understand how I came to love someone so much and so differently than I do others. I'm so proud to call you mine. On your ages and stages checklist given to me by your teacher, I happily checked YES to every question asked! You obviously get your brains from me.

You are starting to communicate very well. It is so helpful for you to be able to tell us what you want, instead of crying until we figure it out. Thank you for being such a sweet girl that I love to show off. You are perfect to me. I sometimes wince at the thought of you knowing heartache and emotional pain one day. I won't be able to protect you from this cruel world forever. If I could I would totally wrap you up in a bubble, I would do it and keep you safe forever.

I'm so sad that you don't get to be a big sister yet. I can't wait for the day you get to hold your little sibling. There's not a doubt in my mind you'll be the best at that too. I hope I'm teaching you now how to love your family like I do mine. Be your daddy's favorite girl, mom's best friend {especially this one}and sibling's secret place.

I love you to the moon and back.

Your Momma

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