11 December 2011

Letters To Amelia

Dear Amelia,

I love the way:

your eyes light up when I suggest we brush your teeth
you spit (nothingness} into the sink while brushing your teeth, just because you see momma and daddy do it
you jingled your bells in your school Christmas program
you say your words
you love candy
you chant "ho ho ho" in your crib after seeing the Santa in the hallway before I put you down
you know and love your extended family - I am so glad you get to live near at least one set of your grandparents, aunt and uncles
you can turn your CD player on all by yourself and dance around your room
you call "Pluto" "Pierre"
you've started choosing snuggling in my lap over lounging in your Dora chair at night
you have manners - "Pease" & "Tank you"
you make your dad smile
you make us both so proud
I found you hugging your baby to your side yesterday morning while you played with other things in your room

and the list goes on..

Your Momma

1 comment:

  1. You are such a good Momma...these letters will mean the world to Amelia one day!
    Melanie Cook
