19 February 2011

where oh where

have my babysitters gone?? i move here for babysitters to be closer to my family. and now my parents are never here!!! adam and i desperately need a date night. my new coworker is also the manager at a movie theater so i see a free movie date night in our future. adam complains about going to the movies, because its so expensive. NOT ANYMORE! :-D

im off tomorrow and i cant wait to go hit up some yard sales! also, i think im going to cut my hair short again tomorrow. i was glad to have a job so that i would put a little more effort into getting ready and looking cute everyday, but they told me i have to wear my hair up if its longer than my shoulders. im thinking that if i cut it short and have to fix it everyday that will really help! and i just miss my short hair. and possibly it will be the motivation ive been looking for to lose this baby weight. being miserable in 3 pants sizes bigger than pre-amelia cadence is just not cutting it as far as motivation goes? hmmm....

i wanna download itunes on my computer again so i can upload emily hearn's new songs. shes a cutie from my hometown and is very talented. she just made a fun music video with bill murray. check it out!

and this is her website: http://emilyhearn.com/

have a good weekend!!

1 comment:

  1. Cadence, you will look cute any haircut, you are just cute anywayyyy! Loved the blog and how your life is allowing you to enjoy your life with your family!! Loved it!!
    The video was amazing!! I am one of Emily's fans too!! Sweet! Thank you!
