02 January 2012

Letters to Amelia

Dear Amelia,

Today you showed me and your dad how strong you are by rearranging all the furniture. Thank you. I've been meaning to put the bar stools in front of the refrigerator for some time now. You go back to school tomorrow after being out for a few weeks. I am You are so excited to go back. Here's to hoping I get your room {which looks like Toys-R-Us threw up in it} back into a kid friendly/safe environment while you are in school tomorrow. There is no telling what is in that room. You've been sneaking kitty food piece by piece into your new tent. Gross. Thank you for making me feel like the best mom ever today when I let you have a sucker. You can't get out those exact words yet, but the way you cut your eyes over to me and smirked in my direction let me know how you felt. It made me want to feed you suckers all night long. But I can't imagine you on a sugar rush, and I'm really sure I'm not ready to pay those consequences. Your dad taught you an inappropriate phrase today that you two thought was pretty funny, and I can't really get mad at him. I am guilty of teaching you to sing the "We Po {poor}" song. Your dad doesn't find that song very amusing. ;-) You've been asleep for 30 minutes now, and I already can't wait to see your smiling face in the morning. I love you to the moon and back!

Your Momma

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