22 September 2011


I was editing wedding pictures and singing my heart out to Pandora today, and my song to Amelia came on. Jack Johnson singing "Angel".When she was dedicated at Eagles Way Church, this is the song we had put on her video of pictures. It's now been stuck in my head all day. Maybe putting it on here will somehow get it out of my head? I'm sure everyone has already heard it. It's sweetness.

Amelia gets a sheet filled out about her day at school every time we pick her up. I've kept all of them in a folder, and look at them every time I put a new day in. I am always so proud of her for always being a sweet happy baby at school. She has always had "happy" "busy" and "curious" circled. Those are all good with me, but I've wondered why she has never had "friendly" circled? Is my girl a one year old bully? Or is she too shy to have friends?? No. Phew! Today she had "friendly" circled on her sheet, and I was extra proud!! Tomorrow she has her first school field trip. Nonie's Ark is coming to her school and bringing a slew of animals for the kiddos to pet/look at. {I wish it were right now. Actually, I wish she were doing anything else besides pitching a fit on the floor beside me.}

Speaking of animals and reasons to pitch fits. We have a snake hanging out by our door. It's about 10 feet (or inches) long, and as soon as I forget about him and open the front door he starts slithering my way. EEEEK. Amelia really doesn't understand why we can't go outside, and I really don't know how to explain to her that that "small" thing is a really bad thing {especially since her dad will tell her otherwise} and momma's not going near it. Ugh. Aren't those things supposed to be headed off to hibernate by now? And bears that are apparently roaming around our town? Go crawl in a hole and go to sleep already. I feel much more safe camping {and walking out my front door} in the winter knowing those two things are fast asleep.

Off to check on my dinner in the crockpot, and my child that is all of a sudden too quiet. This is my second night in a row cooking dinner, by the way. I'm definitely patting myself on the back for this. Enchilada Casserole last night, Seafood & Corn Chowder tonight. Mmmmm.


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