08 March 2011

online shopping

Sunday morning I got an e-mail stating that my bank account was dangerously low. I ran to Jenna's room to get on her computer and check the account. Thanks Mint.com, for sending me an email that was not accurate, and causing me to exercise far before I was ready (it had been a long night of sippin' and strokin' the night before). Anyways, the good thing is for some reason Mint.com was wrong and there was nothing to worry about. Although, while I was looking at the account I found something. It appears that while I'm at work during the day, Adam does a little online shopping. Something is very wrong with this picture!!! Lots of somethings actually. I should be the stay at home parent, and I should be the one doing the online shopping!! Hmph! I waited until last night to bring up the issue, and I jokingly (but seriously) let Adam know that I knew what he was up to. He just smiled. There was nothing he could say to defend himself. He was caught! When he fell asleep I started to search for all of the things I want to buy online right now. I designed my own sectional couch on Home Reserve, filled up a cart on Amazon, etsy and Target. I'll be honest, the bank account is in much better hands with Adam's online shopping than mine. It's just too tempting. Thankfully we just paid off our debt, and we don't have credit cards anymore. Having credit cards would make online shopping even more dangerous!

I blame this girl for my full shopping carts.
 I want to buy her anything and everything!! Who cares that I have hardly any clothes that fit these days. She's cuter.

By the way, I didn't purchase anything that I filled my shopping car with. Although I am reallllyy considering going back and getting Amelia this dress for her birthday!

I'll need to give the owner of this etsy shop time to make it so I really need to make a decision!

Going to take Amelia to her 9 month dr appt. A little late..she will be 10 months next Tuesday! Can't wait to do some more birthday party planning and see it all come together! :)

Have a good one!